Iustin Mihnea Mago
16 years old, Oradea, Romania
Creative works:
Sousta (Dimitri Fampas)
Teacher Attila Mihai Szabo
Constellation: World Vision contest. Season 6
I started studying music at the age of 7 when I started studying violin at Oradea’s art school. I began studying guitar at the age of 11 when I entered 5th grade. For me, music is more than a passion, it’s a lifestyle, something that I can’t live without. I get inspired by it, and I hope that someday, my music will inspire others. Every emotion goes well with music, happiness, sadness, love, anger, no matter what, music has an answer. My inspiration comes from my everyday life. From my friends, family, school, and everything that happens to and around me. I feel like music makes happy moments feel happier, and sad moments feel less sad, I always say that music heals my soul.