7.5 C
Thursday, January 16, 2025
✦ You can apply for the World Stars by January 30, Constellation of Talents by February 15, Power of Music by February 28, World Vision by March 15.
✦ New Star Pages: Veronika Turyk, Júlia Ochôá, Andrej Stojanović, József Terék, Dante Muscas.

Alley of Talents: Education

Clara Abrahams

Clara Abrahams at Carnegie Hall

Clara Abrahams (16 years old, Lincoln, CA, USA), a participant in our creative contests, will sing at Carnegie Hall.
Alessandra Avdeyuk, Genevieve Avdeyuk & Jennessa Yurtsan

Our students in the Broadway Musical “Newsies”

Sacramento Academy of Musical Arts and Alina Ilchuk Voice Studio is proud to announce that three of our voice students will participate in the Broadway Musical "Newsies"!